ExpandNet tools and publications
Based on comprehensive literature reviews and the extensive experience of its members with major scale-up initiatives, ExpandNet, together with WHO, has produced tools, guides, and other resources which are being used by country teams, projects, and institutions in their scale-up endeavors.
Scaling-up guides
ExpandNet guides address the three phases of scaling up

The Nine Steps for developing a scaling-up strategy tool and associated worksheets are based on the ExpandNet framework and provide stepwise guidance to develop a scaling-up strategy. It can also support the management of the scaling-up process.
The Practical Guidance tool identifies general scaling-up principles and provides examples from case studies of successful scale-up initiatives. It is helpful at the design stage, during implementation and to manage the scaling-up process.
Other ExpandNet scaling-up resources
20 questions for developing a scaling-up case study can be used retrospectively or prospectively to document scaling-up experience. Our Practical Guidance tool can support preparing documentation related to these questions.
Scaling up health service delivery presents the ExpandNet framework based on extensive literature review followed by seven in-depth country case studies of scaling up in Africa; Asia and Latin America.
The Implementation Mapping Tool (IMT) helps project teams use learning questions to conduct participatory reflection, adaptive management and documentation of the process of scaling up health and development interventions.
20 questions for developing a scaling-up case study can be used retrospectively or prospectively to document scaling-up experience. Our Practical Guidance tool can support preparing documentation related to these questions.