About us & mission

ExpandNet is an informal global network of individuals from international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions, governmental ministries and specific projects who seek to advance the science and practice of scaling up.

Our mission is to promote equitable access to high quality health and development interventions by ensuring that the benefits achieved in successful pilot, demonstration and experimental projects are expanded and institutionalized to serve more people, more quickly and more sustainably.

ExpandNet founding members, 2003
ExpandNet founding members, 2003

Our objectives

  • Develop practical guidance to support successful scale up

  • Develop country capacity to apply scaling-up learning to projects

  • Support and expand a network of professionals and scientists working on scaling-up initiatives

  • Foster dialogue among global health and development professionals, policy makers, program managers and researchers involved in scaling up and to create opportunities for sharing learning across nations and regions

  • Provide a mechanism for cross-site, south-to-south collaboration for technical support, evaluation, development of tools, guidance and research related to scaling up

  • Inventory published and unpublished resources related to scaling up

  • Stimulate comparative analysis of scaling-up initiatives across programs, regions and nations

  • Document scaling-up experience and publish scientific papers, guides, and toolkits

Advancing scale up

ExpandNet is an informal network of global health and development professionals who seek to advance the science and practice of scale up.



  • expandnet@expandnet.net

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