Science and practice of scale up

Documenting and disseminating scaling-up lessons, promoting experience sharing and identification of critical emerging scaling-up issues is central to ExpandNet’s mission and goals.

ExpandNet members use several mechanisms for undertaking this work including:

  • Convening stakeholders interested in engaging in comparative analysis of scaling up
  • Developing and providing written guidance documents to support scaling-up practitioners
  • Publishing evidence on the results of practical applications of systematic approaches to scale up
  • Disseminating scaling-up learning at national and international conferences
  • Reviewing and compiling publications on scaling up and related topics from a diverse range of fields and disciplines (see scaling-up bibliography)
  • Supporting projects to monitor, evaluate and document their scaling-up processes, milestones and learning
ExpandNet members share scale-up learning from the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative in Senegal (ISSU) at the International Conference on Family Planning.
ExpandNet members share scale-up learning from the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative in Senegal (ISSU) at the International Conference on Family Planning.
Advancing scale up

ExpandNet is an informal network of global health and development professionals who seek to advance the science and practice of scale up.




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