Scaling-up framework

ExpandNet developed a framework to systematically analyze and support necessary actions for sustainable scale up. This framework grew out of a comprehensive review of relevant literature and scaling-up experience of ExpandNet members.

Hover over the framework to learn more.

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A detailed discussion of the framework can be found in the ExpandNet guidance tools Practical guidance for scaling up health service innovations and the Nine steps for developing a scaling-up strategy tool.

Four key principles guide the framework

Systems thinking

Expansion and institutionalization of innovations occurs in a complex system of interactions and influences, which should all be considered in developing a scale-up strategy and managing the process.

A focus on sustainability

Sustainable scale up requires country ownership, building institutional capacity and embedding the innovation in the organizational structures, policies, budgets, and operational guidelines.

Enhancing scalability

Scalability refers to the ease or difficulty of expanding and institutionalizing the innovation. Scalability can be enhanced by using what is known about the factors that ensure success to shape the scaling-up strategy.   

Respect for human rights, equity and gender perspectives

Scaling up should enhance human rights, promote the principles of dignity, gender equity and equitable access to quality services for all. It should be guided by participatory and client-centered approaches.

Advancing scale up

ExpandNet is an informal network of global health and development professionals who seek to advance the science and practice of scale up.




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