Spark Health Africa webinar: Public sector scaling of innovations in East Africa

Key Learnings seminar with Spark Health Africa

Planning for scaling should be accomplished with the end in mind, and scaling actors should adopt a mindset for scale. These were two of the takeaways from the  20 September webinar cosponsored by ExpandNet and Spark Health Africa. The session, entitled Key learnings from public sector scaling of innovations in East Africa, brought together speakers from government and implementing partners to share their organizational experience with scaling public health and educational interventions.

The following featured speakers presented valuable experiences and insights about scaling up:

Edward Kataika, The East, Central, and Southern Africa (ECSA) Health Community

Easter Okello, Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) of Kenya

Paul Nyachae, The East Africa Hub of The Challenge Initiative (TCI)

The panel was moderated by Dr. Richard Chivaka, Founder and CEO of Spark Health Africa, and Laura Ghiron, Member of the ExpandNet Secretariat.

You can stay up to date about future events with Spark Health Africa by joining the Learning Network on Scaling Innovations in the Public Sector Across Sub-Saharan Africa, an initiative between Spark Health Africa and VillageReach. Additionally you are welcome to join the Community of Practice on Scaling Development Outcomes, where ExpandNet leads the Health Technical Working Group which co-sponsored the event.

The recording of the 90-minute webinar can be viewed at this link.

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ExpandNet is an informal network of global health and development professionals who seek to advance the science and practice of scale up.




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