The quarterly resource team meeting of the Evidence to Action Project-led Community of Practice on Systematic Approaches to Scale up gave special focus to the issue of sustainability in scale up. Dr. Eric Sarriot of Save the Children, who has written extensively on sustainability of health programs, gave a presentation which is available via this link.
ExpandNet members collaborated with the PERFORM2Scale project led by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine on a panel discussion highlighting lessons learned about scale up at the fifth Global Health Systems Research Symposium held in Liverpool, England in October 2018. Presentations on the experience in three sister projects implemented in Vietnam, Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda was followed by a lively discussion among the panelists and the audience. A video of the panel is available here.
ExpandNet members are supporting the ongoing NURHI II Midterm Learning Evaluation participating on the core team led by Family Planning Country Action Process Evaluation (FP CAPE), which is based at the Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The NURHI II project has been scaling up a package of family planning interventions shown to increase demand, availability, and contraceptive use in three states in Nigeria.
As you may have noticed, ExpandNet has a newly updated, more user-friendly website that provides more information about the network and activities, and easier access to ExpandNet’s collection of practical guidance documents to support scaling up. The scaling-up bibliography is also being expanded to provide references (many of them linked) to a wider range of publications relevant to the field of scale up. We would appreciate your comments and feedback on the new website using the “Contact Us” link.
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