Rita Kabra
Switzerland (India)
World Health Organization
Dr. Rita Kabra is a medical doctor with expertise in reproductive health and public health management. She has over 30 years of work experience including 20 years at WHO, Geneva, Switzerland in clinical practice, research, development of norms and guidelines, and implementation of evidence-based practices in the field of sexual and reproductive health and public health with focus on Family planning. She began her career as a clinician/researcher with Human Research Reproduction Centre, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi and has worked In India for over 10 years in various capacities. Dr. Kabra has managed and implemented projects and programmes to improve reproductive health services and health systems, including assessing health workforce need and migration. She has conducted, and supervised research, developed technical/policy/practice guidelines, training materials in sexual and reproductive health, maternal and newborn, integrating HIV/PMTCT, malaria, anaemia, etc, supported the introduction, field testing, adaptation and implementation of the evidence-based guidelines in several countries including Afghanistan, Cairo, India, Nepal, Morocco, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Uganda, Zambia. Rita holds a medical degree from the University of Rajasthan, India, a diploma in health systems management and a master’s in public health from London University.
Currently, she works at the Contraception Fertility Care (CFC) Unit in the Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) that includes the UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) at WHO Geneva. She supports the work on building country capacity in programming, supporting and scaling up postpregnancy Family planning, South South Learning exchange and is the project manager for the WHO FP Accelerator Plus project that aims to improve access to Quality and rights-based Family planning services.