Peter Fajans
United States
Partners in Expanding Health Quality and Access (consultant)
Peter Fajans, MD, MPH, was a founding member of ExpandNet, is a member of the ExpandNet Secretariat and now works as a Senior Advisor with Partners. Prior to his retirement from WHO in 2012 he worked for 17 years with the Technical Cooperation with Countries team of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, where he led work related to the implementation of the WHO Strategic Approach to Strengthening Reproductive Health Policies and Programmes. Before working with WHO he served as Assistant Professor of Population Planning and International Health at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. He has extensive programmatic and related research experience, working initally for ten years in Indonesia with UNICEF, BKKBN and the Indonesian MOH and, prior to joing the faculty at the UM SPH. During his 43 year public health career he has also worked extensively in China, India, Kenya, and Vietnam, as well as many other low-and-middle-income countries on diverse health issues including family planning and SRH, nutrition, primary health care and STI/HIV/AIDS prevention in a variety of programmatic settings. This has included provision of technical support to a number of major scaling-up initiatives. While at WHO he co-wrote and co-edited a book of scale up case studies and the WHO/ExpandNet practical guides on scaling up health service innovations. He played a key facilitation role in the initial field testing and subsequent utilization of the ExpandNet guiidance documents to support scale up in multiple countries. He has also co-authored a textbook chapter and multiple peer reviewed publications related to scale up. Currently he also helps to identify and curate scale-up literature for ExpandNet’s online, searchable Scale-up Bibliography.