Monica Kerrigan
United States
Family Planning 2030
Monica Kerrigan, MPH, serves as the Managing Director for the North America and Europe Regional Hub of Family Planning 2030, advancing the rights of people everywhere to access family planning and reproductive health services to ensure bodily autonomy, gender equality, and rights. In her role, she forges partnerships with governments, the private sector, NGOs, youth associations, research organizations, donors, and philanthropists to advance innovation and scale up evidence-based solutions. Ms. Kerrigan is a pioneering leader, expert, and advocate in family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and market dynamics. She served as Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Global expanding access to reproductive health services in Africa and Latin America. She worked at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2007-2016), helping launch the London Summit on Family Planning in 2012 and supporting the design and implementation of Family Planning 2020, the Ouagadougou Partnership, and the Implant Access Program. Ms. Kerrigan also served for 10 years at USAID (1996-2007) in the Office of Population and Reproductive Health in Washington and the USAID Mission in Indonesia working on maternal and newborn health and family planning. Before joining FP2030, she worked at Jhpiego as the Vice President of Innovation and Technical Leadership, where she supported life-saving work across more than 30 countries in Africa and Asia. Monica has a Master of Public Health degree from the University of North Carolina, specializing in maternal and child health. She is a former Peace Corps volunteer who served in rural Mali.