Haris Ahmed
The Scaling Accelerators
Dr. Haris Ahmed, a medical doctor with an MPH and Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (UK), has over 29 years of experience in advancing health systems, reproductive health, and scaling impactful interventions. As Founder of The Scaling-up Accelerators in Pakistan and a Master Trainer, Dr. Ahmed has introduced the science of scaling-up to public health students at universities in Pakistan and the University of Malaya, Malaysia. His initiatives, such as premarital counseling, post-pregnancy family planning, task-sharing for health workers, provider-initiated family planning, and life-skills education for secondary students, have scaled from pilot programs to provincial and national levels. With extensive experience orienting organizations nationally and internationally on scaling-up practices and working with multinational donors, Dr. Ahmed is dedicated to promoting sustainable health solutions in culturally diverse and challenging environments.