Achieving sustainable fisheries: Working with the Walton Family Foundation


The Walton Family Foundation invited ExpandNet to collaborate with their Oceans team in working globally towards the ambitious goal of ensuring healthy, sustainable ocean fisheries. The goal of the collaboration is to support the Foundation to bring a strong scale-up perspective to their funded fisheries work and includes two components: first, to strengthen the capacity of the Foundation’s Oceans Team working in Asia and Latin America to internalize scale-up concepts and apply international learning from the use of systematic approaches to scale up; and second, to collaborate with grantees of the Indonesia portfolio to apply the ExpandNet/WHO framework, tools and approach (FTA) to improve the prospects for scale up and sustainability of successful interventions.

ExpandNet members have long understood that the scaling up FTA developed jointly by ExpandNet and World Health Organization in the late 2000s were relevant for work in other sectors. In 2015, the MacArthur Foundation provided funding for ExpandNet to support application of the scaling up FTA in the education sector. Successful scale up results from these collaborations, together with experience from the integrated, multi-sectoral population, health and environment work conducted in East Africa, reinforced the fact that the tools are generalizable across sectors. The current work with Walton Foundation grantees has once again reconfirmed the FTA’s value as being of multi-sectoral relevance.

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