Cheikh Seck
Horizon Santé
Dr. Cheikh is a public health physician with nearly 30 years of experience in managing maternal, child, infant and adolescent health programs and projects. He has made significant achievements in scaling up health innovations. While Director of the BMGF-funded ISSU project, he contributed to the improvement of contraceptive and essential drug management in Senegal’s health facilities following a pilot demonstration project called “Informed push model- IPM” which has since become the new procurement model in Senegal. He also contributed to the development of a toolkit of proven interventions called “Paquet Porteur” that was scaled up in Senegal and in francophone West African countries with The Challenge Initiative (TCI) project. Finally, he made a significant contribution to the institutionalization of the systematic client needs identification approach (ISBC) to reduce unmet need for FP, provide women with information on FP, and refer them to family planning services. Since July 2015, the institutionalization of the ISBC is effective in Senegal and adopted by many countries in west African region. Cheikh later became an independent consultant and works closely with ExpandNet. He supports : ECOWAS countries, the integration of PPFP/MNCH/Nutrition services with INSPiRE, international NGOs, and the West African Health Organization (WAHO) in building the capacity of actors and developing strategies for scaling up with the ExpandNet/WHO systematic approach, and also monitoring and evaluating scaling up plans.