ExpandNet’s Scale-up Learning Center launch expected late 2025!


ExpandNet’s is currently developing the Scale-up Learning Center (SLC) as an innovative, open-source, digital learning and sharing platform that can strengthen scaling capacity among global health and development professionals. The SLC is intended to build expertise around scaling across all stages of a “scaling trajectory” – from the earliest stages of testing a new solution, to developing a scale-up strategy, and then for strategically managing the scaling-up process. 

The SLC will offer diverse learning pathways, which will allow learners to choose a track based on their desired level of engagement: 1) certificate track for those seeking to complete the whole SLC curriculum, thereby gaining a comprehensive understanding of the entire scaling trajectory; 2) self-guided track for those wanting to explore only specific topics or phases of the scaling trajectory; 3) team track for a group of learners (e.g. from the same project or organization) who wish to work through specific modules or the entire curriculum together in applied ways, considering the scaling issues they jointly face; and 4) mentor track for those who wish to gain strong mastery through in-depth exposure to the full curriculum, supported by a set of coaches, after which they will be in well-positioned to help others apply ExpandNet tools and learnings. The Mentor track has limited availability and an application is required. 

The SLC modules combine: multimedia presentations by ExpandNet members, case study exercises, learning questions, recorded interviews with senior scaling experts, and practical tools and resources to support applying a systematic approach to scaling up. The SLC Community-space will offer periodic live discussions, office hours and other learning opportunities with ExpandNet facilitators and allies. 

With a diverse array of features tailored to facilitate collaboration, interaction, and technical assistance, the SLC’s learning environment will help all learners feel engaged and inspired on their scale-up learning journey. 

To stay informed about the future launch of the SLC, please subscribe to ExpandNet’s mailing list by completing the information at the footer of any page on the ExpandNet website. To reach out to us directly to inquire about collaboration with ExpandNet, including to support development of the SLC, please use the Contact Us link/form also at the footer of our webpages.

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